How to keep writing in a diary, day after day?
Putting your dreams, experiences, and moods on paper can significantly improve your quality of life.
After a hectic day, the best thing to do to relax is to sit down and write everything in your diary. Putting your dreams, experiences, and moods on paper (or digitally) can significantly improve your quality of life. It is a very common practice among successful entrepreneurs, politicians, and artists—all people, among other things, who have little time available.
Writing our daily thoughts and what we do during the day can help us to be more aware of our progress, of the mistakes and successes, of the patterns of behavior that we repeat. When you re-read your diary, and you realize that a year ago, you had the same worries as today and that they didn't lead you to anything, besides making it a little itchy, it can really help you change your pace.
But making it a habit is a hard thing to do. Here, you will learn how to keep writing in a diary, day after day.
A little, every day
Even 5 minutes a day is enough. A few lines are fine. Take a fixed time to write, for example, in the evening before going to sleep. In about ten days, it should become a pleasant routine to relax. Leave alone the too detailed reports of your day; take a cup of coffee and write important details of your day.
Write down your thoughts
Mark everything that comes to your mind, because memory makes bad jokes. Often, very often, we forget the intuitions that come to us while maybe we are busy doing something else. Once it is written on paper, you can calmly pick them up and expand them. Or, they will be the launching pad for an unexpected new idea.
Create a routine
Writing a personal diary means taking a moment and creating a space dedicated to ourselves, to free thoughts and emotions, and to channel them into constructive action. We can choose a certain time of day to do this activity, such as when we arrive from work or before going to sleep, or we can keep the diary with us and write when we feel like it.
Whichever option you prefer, you must create a habit, which becomes a spontaneous means of introspection and communication with the page.
Find things to write
If you are not used to it, creating the routine of writing a diary may seem difficult. Yet we assure you that it is not, that a few lines a day or a week are enough. In these lines, you have the freedom to say anything you want; for example, you could answer questions like:
- What were the recurring thoughts of today?
- Which new ones?
- What did I get today?
- What did I learn from what happened?
- What problems have arisen?
- How did I feel about these problems?
- What would I like to have in the future?
- What is great too?
- What would I like to change, and how do I plan to do it?
The habit of asking questions and writing answers helps to increases creativity, making it a habit and can also help improve self-esteem.
Bottom Line
The small summary of the day, patterns, drawings, bullet points, or everything is worth it. Don't worry about the shape. Focus primarily on the benefits you will get and keep writing in the diary.